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Фото автора: Діана ГнапінськаДіана Гнапінська

Vocabulary :

  • Escargot - равлики

  • heliciculture- гельцекультура (по розведені равликів)

  • Edible - їстівний

  • intimidate - залякувати

  • Divot - дерен

Monday 24th - Escargot day

French for edible snails, Escargot is believed to have been the first animals to be farmed by man. Archaeological evidence has left traces of this type of heliciculture going back thousands of years.

Escargot, or cooked land snails, are now consumed across the whole of what used to be the Roman Empire. Snails are an excellent form of protein, tasty, low in fat.

Learn How to Eat Escargot

For some people, ordering a dish of escargot in a restaurant might be intimidating because they may not know how to eat it — and it might not come with special instructions!

Escargot will likely be served on a special plate that includes divots where the snails are placed in their shells. In addition, the plate will likely be brought with a small snail fork as well as a pair of tongs. But what is a person supposed to do with the equipment?!

Actually, it’s easier than it might seem. Simply use the tongs to pick up one of the snail shells. Reach the small fork into the shell and twist it so that the meat separates from the shell, then pull the meat out.

Sun 23rd - Lucky Penny day

In order to understand the importance of Lucky Penny Day, you need to learn about why people believe pennies bring them good luck. When you are cleaning out your room or you put on a jacket you have not worn for some time and you find some spare change in your pocket, it always feels like a victory! But what is it about pennies that are considered lucky?

Well, according to one theory, people originally believed that pennies would bring them a lot of luck due to their religious beliefs.

Another reason is to do with the two sides of a coin, which people believe to be a representation of the battle between evil and good. If you find a penny when it is heads side up, this means that you have luck on your side. However, luck is not going to be as much in your favor if you find a coin and it is tails-side up. Some people say that if you find a penny and it is tails side up, you should flip it the other way round and leave it so that it brings the next person that finds it luck.

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